2023 EUA-CDE Thematic Workshop

Sustainability in doctoral education: developing a strategic approach

The 2023 EUA-CDE Thematic Workshop will focus on how universities can develop a strategic approach to sustainability in doctoral education, while maintaining key principles and values. Topics discussed during the workshop will include new forms of mobility, green careers, skills and innovation, sustainable research practices and the role of fundamental research in addressing the challenges that lie ahead. During two days, participants will discuss the role of doctoral schools and programmes in confronting the climate crisis, and how doctoral education plays an important role in the transition towards a carbon-neutral society and to prepare the next generation of researchers for the decades to come. Thanks to a mix of plenary sessions and interactive formats, this event will provide an occasion to discuss these aspects and identify innovative solutions together with the EUA-CDE community and other stakeholders active in this field. In addition, EUA-CDE is organising a pre-meeting session on co-tutelles and joint doctorates. This special event will present a Thematic Peer Group report dedicated to this topic and stimulate an exchange between participants on how to successfully organise these kinds of collaborations. This Thematic Workshop will be of interest to anyone with responsibilities and interest in doctoral education (either at the institutional, faculty or disciplinary level) including academic leaders, doctoral education professionals, postdoctoral researchers and doctoral candidates. Please note that the event is reserved to EUA-CDE members only.

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